Edit Teacher and Vendor – Build Your Business Step 5 ver2

Build your website!


Learn how to build your website. ​

Why should you have a website on ESAConnection?

First, it’s quick, easy & affordable.  We know what you need because we have been where you are.  Some of the first benefits you will get from subscribing to our website are access to our volume discounts.  You will also spend far less time working on the start-up of your business and much more time building your business by spending your time with parents & learners.

We invested heavily up front and we continue to invest heavily each month with our experts in Search Engine Optimalization (SEO) and digital marketing.  This will ensure that we are at or near the top of the page when parents are searching for educational services.  This is due to the cumulative traffic that our site hosting provides and the meticulous attention to detail (like key words) that our experts in digital marketing provide to ESAConnection.com and all of the subscriber websites that we host.

If you don’t have a custom domain, we have great news… you will get a free domain when you set up your website with us as part of your subscription. It will look something like “esaconnection.com/yourcompanyname” .
If you prefer to have a custom domain like we refer to in Step #3, click on “get my domain” and follow the instructions.

If you already have a custom domain and a website that you don’t want to keep, click on the “redirect link” and follow the instructions to use this domain for your new free ESAConnection website. Be sure to cancel your current website hosting account.

Follow the tips and instructions below and build a great website through ESAConnection in no time!

The first tip is to use this free image sizer to resize all of your photos to 1280 X 853 or less, then drop them in your website build “Media Library” as shown in the video.